Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Interview on Swiss Radio

17mins interview with yours truly on Swiss Radio - Tweeting through the Arab uprising Audio by @Tony_Ganzer

1 comment:

yqxo said...

Did you listen the commentary after your interview?

The man comments about your view on Islamists taking power and getting voted out of office afterwards: "Naive, and rather hopeful, once they get elected there is no guarantee there will be another election."

Clearly, he misunderstood what you said. You specifically said there are bad apples among islamists and secular powers. This same logic (that new rulers of Egypt will disallow second elections) can be applied to secular powers in Egypt too.

Why is it that Islamists are more likely to block the upcoming elections? Last time I checked it was Mubarak, Assad and Ben Ali, all secularists blocking elections and natural succession of power for the past few decades.

Note: I'm not Islamist, I am secularist - but logic is logic and the man failed to explain his own assumption: Islamists are more likely to block further elections.